From requisition to PO in as little as 5 minutes
Turn predictable and repetitive spend into an end-to-end automated workflow that you can monitor and configure at any time
Automate as much or as little, without relinquishing control
Turn requisitions into RFQs
Bundle similar RFQs
Find the best-fit suppliers
Engage suppliers and collect bids
Award POs based on your criteria
Defining Autonomous Sourcing
What is autonomous sourcing?
Who is it for?
How are procurement teams leveraging AI?
Remove manual steps from sourcing
Autonomous sourcing liberates buyers from repetitive manual tasks so they can focus on higher value projects. With Fairmarkit, you manage more spend and discover cost-savings at an unprecedented scale.
Automated with Fairmarkit
Not automated
User creates requisition
Create draft RFQ (disconnected from req)
Manually Search vendors
Finalize and submit RFQ (email)
Send request to suppliers and aggregate bids
Communicate results to suppliers
Update requisition
Partially automated with Fairmarkit
User creates requisition
Create draft RFQ and find suppliers
Finalize and submit RFQ
Send request to suppliers and aggregate bids
Review bids and Award
Communicate results to suppliers and update requisition
Fully automated with Fairmarkit
User creates requisition
Create draft RFQ and automatically bundle
Match suppliers and send RFQ via email
Aggregate bids and award based on procurement criteria
Communicate results to suppliers and update requisition in ERP